Friday, February 27, 2009

What Pumps You Up?

If your life were a line, such as the heart monitor, what would it look like? Does it have lots of peaks and valleys? Were there years or months when you were always up? (Up meaning on top of it all, feeling great, happy with where you were and who you were, not up as in stress level.)

Now, think about the last 6 months. Where were your peaks and valleys? What was going on? Who were you around or what were you working on?

I strongly encourage you to make the choice about how you want to live- in a peak or a valley. Recognize that it is always a choice (even if we prefer to blame it on outside circumstances). Then, take proactive steps to live in the way of your choice.

If you chose to live in a peak, or at least begin your assent, here are some recommendations:

  • Choose your theme song. Something that you hear and the car accelerator goes down (not literally). You immediately get pumped up just hearing the first chord.

  • Surround yourself with others who are living in peaks and stay away from those who prefer the valley (no matter who they are)

  • Identify a profession or set of tasks that allow you to shine and/or challenge and conquer and/or fuel your passion, etc.... (realize how much of your life is work and how important it is that work is mostly enjoyable and keeping you in a peak)

  • Have a plan for moments when a valley is around the corner- weekly yoga class, overnight retreat, friend available for dinner at your favorite restaurant, favorite exercise, etc...

How do you choose to live? How are your activities and mindset in line with that choice?

Now, put on your theme song and get ready to sour!

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