Friday, March 16, 2012

Coaching Moment #202 How do You Take Your Lunch?

#202 How do You Take Your Lunch?

Are you the type to sit at your desk and work through lunch? Do you barely eat anything or conversely eat junk because its quick and easy? I encourage you to set a new trend for your lunch-time. Get away from your desk. Do something good for yourself by eating a nutritious meal, take a walk, read a few pages of something non-work related, or take the time to make a social call- and share a good meal.  

Friday, March 2, 2012

Coaching Moment #201 What Would Make Your Day Better?

#201 What Would Make Your Day Better?

Think about one thing that you would like to happen today. It may be a call you’ll get. It may be an activity you’ll do. What would make today better? Then, think of 3 things you can do to encourage that outcome.

Make sure you take time to think about the things you want as well as do what you can to ensure their success.