Monday, February 9, 2009

What Make Women Happy...

A recent poll said that the happiest women do 3 things:
  • cancel appointments for more "me" time
  • don't always answer their phone and
  • know how to say no

I love these women. I am one of them.

You must first harness the fact that you have to be well to serve others. Well means you have to be (or should very well be) healthy, happy, vibrant, optimistic, full of hope, ready to dive into the task, etc..... Serving others is what we do in our families, relationships, with our best friends, in our community, our professional positions...

You can't serve well when you are not taking good care of yourself.

Let me say it another way, no one gets the best of you if the best isn't even available.

So, reconsider over scheduling yourself. Remember you are not in emergency services and people shouldn't be able to reach you 24/7. Voicemail is a wonderful tool. Use it! And, please if you learn only one word this year, let it be NO. Say NO to that committee, task, job, trip and YES to you.

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