Monday, February 16, 2009

172.4 and still counting

I must confess I cringed when knowing my weigh in was this morning. I knew the numbers wouldn't be what I wanted. Not because I haven't been working hard- but because I can feel there hasn't been a budge in the numbers. My clothes feel the same and my muscle structure has felt steady too.

I have followed a mostly vegetarian diet. There were two occasions when I had meat. Those choices were made because of where I was dining at, it was their specialty. And, I'm still a foodie no matter what. So, I sampled and made no gripes about it. I still feel 1000% better following a vegetable based diet than a meat one. Its hard to explain to people. They just have to try it for themselves.

I still go to the gym 5 days a week. I added Tai-Chi and Zumba classes to the mix for a little variety. I enjoyed both for very different reasons. My exercise physiologist said that you have to change your gym routine every 6 weeks or so to keep your body working optimally. Oh, and I've started to run. Now, don't get me wrong. One of my girlfriends has a saying that I've also adopted, years ago. "This body was built for comfort not for speed!" But, I know that running is a challenge for me and it helps to speed up the metabolism. So, I run in 3 minute or 1/4 mile bursts in between exercises and weight lifting. Its super hard but does feel good when I finish.

After weighing myself this morning I threw out the scale. Not a symbolic gesture I assure you (although the thought crossed my mind). The scale gave me 5 error messages as I tried to get my measurements this morning. So I am unsure how accurate the body fat analyzer component was/is. I decided to toss it rather than rely on a faulty machine. I'll pick up a new one or just rely on the scale at the gym.

I am disappointed that the numbers haven't come down more. The other month I went into the 160's much more easily. Perhaps its my one vice- wine. I really enjoy a glass of red wine with my evening meal or afterwards. So, as a little experiment I'll stop drinking it for the next three weeks- with a few exceptions, when I'm at cocktail parties. But, I'll limit it to one glass and no more than once per week.

Now, let's check the schedule at the gym today. ..

1 comment:

Ami said...

I have stopped weighing myself for the time being (although I haven't thrown away the scale...yet). Tracking my weight weekly, then every other day, then daily, became too much of an obsession. Instead I'm focusing on consistent healthy behaviors and measuring my success by how I feel (and how my clothes fit).

As for the wine? I pour myself half a glass and then fill the remainder of the glass with seltzer water. A spritzer tastes just as good to me, and has half the calories.