Monday, January 12, 2009

Women and Goals

72% of women say happiness lies in making progress on their goals, even if they never achieve them. Wow. (This was just another nugget I found packed into January's Real Simple.)

As women, we love to feel productive, accomplished, moving forward. Therefore, this headline should not be surprising. However, as a coach, I'd like to see more goal achievement. Imagine how happy she'd be then!

There are several keys to goal achievement:
  1. Write out a measurable goal (i.e., I will lose 10 lbs in 3 months -April 2009.)
  2. Plan the goal on a daily or weekly scale. (I will lose 3.5 lbs a month, less than 1 lb each week.)
  3. Enlist the help of friends, family, and a coach.
  4. Start each day reminding yourself of your goal and what you can do that day to work toward it (exercise, plan meals, eat healthier, cut out bad foods....).
  5. Dedicate time each week to think seriously about your goal, document your progress, and prepare for the following week with your goal at the top of your mind.
  6. Celebrate each win along the way. And, don't beat yourself up for small mistakes along the way. No one is perfect.
  7. Prepare for your goal achievement (in this example, buy something new for your new figure.)
  8. Finally, Achieve!

Wishing you all happiness.

I host the Champions Series which is an ideal program for men and women who want to grow and develop in their personal and professional selves. The series has a monthly topic and related seminar delivered on MP3 file or CD through the mail. The program includes a private, monthly coaching call where we focus on your specific goals. Join today at Membership is only $39 a month.

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