Monday, January 26, 2009

174 and 3% body fat down

So, the scale isn't playing as nicely as I'd like. :) I'm only down a few pounds. Not the 10 my body is telling me I've shed from all of the exercise I've been doing. :) I say that with a joking smile.

It continues to be a really enjoyable journey, no matter what the scale says. The great news is that my body fat is decreasing. I have a scale that tells me how much I have- along with other measurements. I've dropped my body fat into an acceptable range according to body fat charts. Great!

I've adopted a new diet and am really enjoying it. I have a lot to learn to maintain healthy eating habits- and incorporate the variety the body calls for. When I was a vegetarian years ago I did it all wrong. Can anyone say pizza? Vegetarians can be fat too you know. But this time I am incorporating foods I've not experimented with before. I'm staying away from dairy (for the most part) which was often my fattest intake of the week. I really love cheese. :) Now, I eat vegetarian out (with only two slips in the last two weeks) and vegan when I cook at home. I feel great about that.

This morning, as I came back from the gym, (Yes, I got up at my usual 6 AM and hit the gym right away), I passed McDonald's. The drive through was packed! I felt great knowing I wasn't in that line! One of those meals would have erased my gym work for a few days! I recall the days of working mostly out of my car, as a mobile therapist and again as a researcher, when multiple daily meals came from fast food! Yikes. Those days are long gone!

I am very proud of my gym routine- the fact that I make it a priority every day. In fact, its about making ME a priority every day. That feels great. I was in DC for 4 full days and two of them we made it to the gym! Two out of four isn't bad. Four out of four would have been better but I won't beat myself up. It was a mini-vacation.

My exercise physiologist has given me a new program after modifying the last one to my and my gyms needs. I started that this morning. I work hard when I'm at the gym. Can I work a little harder, yes.

So, in a nutshell, the past 3 weeks have been full of proud moments and a few small failures. I think I have to work ten times harder to reduce my portions. I haven't paid enough attention to this. I really love food! But, I know what I have to do.

Oh, and breakfast.... while that line at McDonald's was busy with morning commuters... I have come to enjoy a 1/2 grapefruit broiled with honey on top for my breakfasts! Today, I switched up for a little variety... bran cereal with almond milk (non dairy).

I know so many of you are monitoring this blog to cheer me on and to find your own inspirations- welcome and enjoy! I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am. It feels good to reclaim yourself!

1 comment:

Ami said...

Your progress is inspiring to me. I've tried both vegan and vegetarian diets and while being strict with them doesn't work for me (tell me I can't have something and I want it so much more), I definitely feel better when I make more veg/vegan meals.

I love almond milk. I discovered it about a year ago and I've been drinking it in my tea and on my cereal ever since. I was never much of a milk drinker, so the switch was easy for me. Cheese, on the other hand, is my guilty pleasure. I can handle low-fat versions for the most part, but still try to limit my intake.

Now if I can just get to the gym and get back in that routine. :) Thanks for motivating me with your own journey.