Friday, January 30, 2009

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff.... but what is small?

We've heard it a million times, "don't sweat the small stuff!" And, I agree. But, I think its important to first examine what the small stuff means... to you, to your partner, your friends, your clients.... we may not all be on the same page as to what constitutes that famously small stuff.

What does the small stuff mean to you?

To me, the small stuff includes things like: a not-so-perfect haircut, a not-so-perfectly picked up or ultra clean house, not winning at everything, not having the BEST of some gadget, and not being so perfect. I try hard not to sweat my small stuff.

But, small stuff is pretty subjective. Your friends/partner/clients may have a different perspective of what small stuff is.

Its critical to know what matters most (and least) to those those who are important to you.

It may be super important to them that they get a call back within the hour if they leave you a message. You, on the other hand, may feel a day or two response is adequate.

You may try to avoid the small stuff by ignoring it. They may prefer to talk about the small stuff to get it out and move forward.

Think about what small stuff means to you. Don't sweat it.. for you. But, also know what it means to others so you don't lose something or someone important to you.

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