Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Foodie Fundraising - Women's Initiative

I am blogging today instead of Friday as I'll be too full of Turkey to do anything (not really, it just sounded good).

I'd like to remain on my thankful thoughts this week by sharing with you an extraordinary new initiative that I'm honored to be a part of... Foodie Fundraising. Foodie Fundraising features my book World War II Radio Heroes: Letters of Compassion (2008).

Foodie Fundraising is a new site and project by Debra Dion Krischke. She is passionate about supporting women worldwide- as am I. She has created Foodie Fundraising to feature several gift items that can be purchased with the goal of giving some of the purchase price to women's initiatives worldwide.

I encourage you to visit Foodie Fundraising at and shop for the holidays. Also, pause for a moment to imagine the lives that so many women are living - often without the necessities and luxuries that we've become accustomed to. Imagine living one day without clean water. Imagine living without electricity. Or worse, imagine dreaming about a life free of violence toward you or your children.

What are you most thankful for?

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