Friday, October 24, 2008

Choosing the Best Life for Yourself: 5 Tips

What are 5 things I can do today to improve my life?

(I'm glad you asked.)

1. Get a library card and go- each week
Read. Read. Read. And, hang out with people who do.

2. Turn off the TV with very few exceptions
Watch what really matters to you- and limit the time you do so to no more than 30 minutes a day.

3. Spend time each day evaluating who you are and where you want to go
Meditate. Give thanks. Reach far. Dare to dream. Inspire others. Find your inspiration.

4. Take pride in what you look and feel like
Fix yourself. Clean yourself up. Stop smoking. Walk daily. Wear only what fits and looks good. Allow your appearance and self care to open doors for you.

5. Choose your associates carefully
We are who we keep. Rid yourself of drama and negative filled people. Choose those you want to spend time with and love. Make sure they contribute to your life in a good way - and you do the same for them.

Live well. Live better.

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Thank you for making my blog a part of your week. I blog every Monday and Friday- unless I'm on travel.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tip #5 is one of my favorates. Being around negative people is a huge mistake. Always surround yourself with successful POSITIVE people. It DOES make a difference.