Monday, September 29, 2008

Hygiene in the Workplace: It Matters

Last week I was shopping at a major retailer for business supplies. What I witnessed prompted this weeks blog.

I'm far from a germophobe- you can ask my friends and family. However, I realize that the world is getting more health conscious. People are paying attention to illness origin and germs more than they ever have before. Companies have moved to the motto- if you are sick, stay home. That has become an order to promote faster healing as well as keeping the healthy workforce healthy.

The cashier at this major chain had a chronic cough- every 5 seconds she was coughing. Sometimes she'd cover her mouth, other times she wouldn't. She then began picking at her lips with her fingers- a nervous habit or one out of boredom. She was using these same fingers to punch details into the cash register, take my credit card, and touch my purchases. Yuck. Even I was offended. She told me to have a great day. I told her that I hoped she would feel better. And, she looked at me as though I was crazy. Maybe she felt great.

Business owners beware. Part of your training needs to include hygiene and illness. What are employees to do when they are sick? How sick? What behaviors are acceptable in the workplace and not so. We are all familiar with hygiene and behaviors in the food industry. Let's set many of those same standards in other workplaces to foster better business, happier employees and customers, and a healthier environment.

Here's to your health.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, you KNOW how I feel about this topic. We do not pay enough attention to prevention in general and we encourage a culture where employees feel as though they have to report for duty, no matter what. Thank you for highlighting this very important issue, Lisa. You're a rock star :) CSB