Monday, September 8, 2008

Advice to Calm the Nerves of a Chair

A business woman emailed me recently. Her email can be summed up as follows, "Help! I’m nervous about an upcoming event I am chairing."

Here was my response:

Without knowing the Chair's responsibilities (for this event) here are my general suggestions:

1. Speak to last years Chair about his/her experiences
2. Have all of the things prepared that you can well before hand (so they don't add worry as the day arrives)
- outfit, makeup, shoes (knowing you'll look fabulous will help you feel great)
- schedule leading up to event (including a wonderful relaxation or celebration period afterwards)
-try to get a hold of event agendas, speeches, names of others involved, etc...
3. Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse
4. Build yourself up to the moment/event by reading positive comments about you from others (clients, groups, etc...); listen to music that pumps you up or relaxes you (depending upon what you need); remind yourself that you've been chosen because of who you are (they really appreciate you and your work in the business community)

I believe most nervousness can be relieved by preparing and rehearsing.

You'll be and do great!

1 comment:

Kelli Burns said...

Who can you deligate action items/duties to that you can trust that it will be done?

Your the captain, plan it all out with duties to people who can support you.

Being a Wedding Entertainment Director for over 20 years and not being very detailed oriented was someone I turned into. I just did not wake up like that. I learned from my mistakes and some were very costly.
I agree with Lisa..Rehearse.