Friday, September 12, 2008

Save Yourself. Turn the TV Off. ... at least more often

One of the things I notice, changing about myself as I age, is my distaste for television and for people who spend hours watching it.

I've been there. I was the little kid who watched a lot of TV. I was the adult that would eat in front of the TV, as a single person living in an apartment. I would occasionally get caught up in sitcoms and drama series and watch as though it was a scheduled part of my day.

Then I realized that year after year the plots changed ever so slightly but I was in the same place. My growth and development, personally and/or professionally, was not enhanced one ounce by spending so much time watching television.

In my Dan Kennedy education I've learned about a quote that I've come to embody, "Poor people have big TVs; Rich people have big libraries." I believe it.

I advocate more reading, more socializing, more walks- less TV. When you do watch TV make it educational or TRUE entertainment once in a while. Don't allow it to take up more time than a part-time job with zero yield.

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