Friday, September 5, 2008

Think Ahead.... Planing to Age is Smart

Last year I consulted an attorney to design my will, health care directive and other important life and death documents. I also hired my first financial planner to coach me on the road to financial success. I'm 34.

Some of you may say I'm too young to be concerned with wills and such. I have no children, no husband, etc... However, I do have things that mean the world to me that I want to ensure follow my wishes after I die. And, I care about those who may be here well beyond me- and want this process to be easier on them. What would happen to my house? My book and the rights to it? My family linens? My dogs (aka children)?

And, yes, I know how to do a budget. I understand basic math. However, the financial planner if far more than that. He took the long and short view of my goals, my income, my debt. He created a plan that had multiple variables to consider and far better outcomes than I could have designed on my own. I feel better just having that plan to refer back to as I make financial decisions. And, he holds me accountable as we meet frequently. Something a good coach always does.

These thoughts entered my mind this morning after sharing last evening with a retirement community discussing my book, World War II Radio Heroes. I've been to dozens such communities over the last few months. Some higher quality than the others. As I imagine that one day I might be in one of them I realize how important it is to plan carefully. Its never too early to look decades ahead. But, its often too late when we get around to it.

Plan with confidence. Build your team of supporters (attorneys, financial planners, coaches, doctors, etc...) now for a better future.

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