Monday, September 28, 2009

Boy, is She Annoying?

I recently watched a well-known, and I believe well-loved, talk show host and chef on her daily show. I must have been a captive victim, in an airplane or something. The situation is escaping me. As you know I don’t watch much television and I certainly don’t make it a daily chore to watch anything consistently- except the Office.

Wow. I found her to be outrageous! She was so very offensive to her audience (I hope they realized it… or maybe I don’t, ignorance can be joy to some). She was attempting to multi-task (cook and take questions) and was doing it poorly. Her inability to do so made her responses short and insulting. Let me give you an example:

(audience member) Q: XXX, I really love your show. I struggle to make risotto. I find it so hard. What is your secret?

(host) A: Risotto is not hard. There is nothing to it. 20 minutes on the fire with constant stirring and steady addition of the risotto is all.

Do you see what I see? Someone told her that they struggle with something and that they find it hard (they emphasized their challenge) and she told them they were wrong. It’s easy. Look at me! Ugh.

The other offense she made was not allowing guests to ask their questions completely. She cut them off about 10 words in- every time. Mind you, she never cut them off when they were singing praises about her. Outrageous. I understand TV is on a timeline between commercials but that is something you control for in other ways. Allowing the host to look rude and insult is only acceptable if that is the show you are running (and sadly there are those shows out there).
Some people are a long winded and their question is quite intelligent and complex- they need more than 10 words to get there!

I’m saddened, but not surprised, that someone that seems annoyed by her guests, is arrogant and offensive has her own show, magazine, etc… She clearly has a following.

Unfortunately this happens, we fall in love with someone and we try to remain true to that love no matter what they do to us. We want to still love them. But, at some point we have to open our eyes and witness it from today’s perspective. Not 10 years ago. Maybe they once were great to us (and themselves). And, now maybe they are just great to themselves. Time to find another love.

Today’s blog is to remind us to live with our eyes open, with a perspective of today and the future. The past is the past. Don’t allow it to dictate your today or your tomorrow.

Also, be mindful when you’ve lost your own way and are no longer delivering the quality of care others deserve (in your work or your home life). Be your best- every day. Don’t slack off. You may find yourself without a fan base if you do.

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