Friday, September 18, 2009

Multi-tasking and Juggling is OUT; Focus and Prioritization is IN

We’ve been hearing it for a while. After we all became comfortable with touting our multi-tasking abilities! The news hit…. multi-taskers don’t get quality work done.

We’ve tried to hide from the truth. Hoping the results would be different. But they aren’t.

STOP multi-tasking. STOP having 10 balls in the air at one time. You aren’t doing yourself, your family or your company any favors.

START to focus. START to prioritize your projects and activities. START to apply 100% of yourself to ONE thing at a time.

Here’s how it can look (customize it to your day and activities):

7:30-8:00 Creative writing or reading of industry articles
8:00-8:20 Email
8:20-8:45 Phone calls that you prioritized that need to go out
8:45-9:15 Activity 1 (30 minutes of dedicated time without interruptions)
Stretch or take a 5 minute break
9:20-11:30 Activity (uninterrupted)
11:30-11:45 Email
11:45-12:00 Phone calls that you prioritized that need to go out

Here’s how it should NOT look:

(NO dedicated time to email, phone and creative process or specific tasking)
Constant review of email
Constant calls received and made
5 minutes of activity #1
Take phone call
8 minutes of activity #2
Respond to someone on Facebook
3 minutes of activity #3
Unsolicited phone call received
Lunch at your desk reading email and trying to read an industry magazine article

…. You get the picture

Focus. Prioritize. And for goodness sake, stop saying, "I'm a great multi-tasker." Thats so passe.

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