Friday, July 10, 2009

She’s Gone and Lost Her Mind! The MAD Offer!

We’re Celebrating 2 years in Pittsburgh, as a full-time coach! (I always use “we” because I never get anywhere alone- there is always a team behind all that I do.)

Last year we sent whacky fliers with a photo of me when I was a few years old! The flier served as a thank you to our clients, friends and supporters. If memory serves, there was a little goodie in each bag also.

In celebrating this year, we’re making a most outrageous offer! I hope you are sitting down!

Pay what you think the session is worth! You read it right. Pay what you think the session is worth! Some restaurants are doing it, why not us too? Heck, we’ll try anything in the name of fun for ourselves and our clients!!!

The caveat: You must be a current or former Champion Member or coaching client to take advantage of this offer. And, you must call/email me before 4 PM on July 24, 2009 to make your appointments. You can have 1 or 2 1-hr sessions with this offer. All must take place in July or August. There are no reschedules allowed.

The loophole: (to keep it fair and FUN) You can become a “current Champion Member” by signing up for the Champions Series ($39 a month) at our website ( by July 24, 2009, 4 PM. (See, we wouldn’t let you miss this chance!)

Everybody is talking about this offer! How on earth can she do it? Well, we’ve modeled it to be manageable, creative and above all else- a THANK YOU to our clients, friends and supporters for an amazing 2 YEARS! So, we’ll worry about the unaddressed details over the next month! YOU deserve this.

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