Monday, March 9, 2009

Guessing 172 -174. New Program on Board.

I haven’t replaced my scale. Remember, the one I threw out because it was malfunctioning. So, I’ll weigh myself at the gym later today. However, I don’t expect the numbers have budged. My clothes feel the same. I don’t feel any differently either.

Since I couldn’t post my number this morning, I opted to give you a photo instead. I know so many of you check this blog with great anticipation (and I appreciate that very much!). Yes, that is me. I figure if they can do it on the Biggest Loser so can I! So many people gasped when I told them I was going to post it. Why? It’s me! Just minus a blouse! This is my shape, size, what I look like… This photo will also serve as my reminder of where I am and where I want to go. As a bonus, I have a dress that I WILL be wearing on May 22nd at I greet guests on the night before my wedding. Its tight now, but I assure you it will be fitting beautifully in a little more than 2 months.

My vegetarian lifestyle is running smooth. I have added a few vitamins to help me balance while I learn the healthiest vegetarian balance of meals for optimal benefit. I know that I still need to master portion control, smaller meals, more snacking times, and better choices all around (remember cheese is vegetarian- and who doesn’t love a fried zucchini?!). I’ve cut way back on my beloved daily glass of wine. I only have it once or twice a week.

I’ve added Metafitness. Metafitness is a science based program that is individualized to measure what calories you need each day for your level of fitness and goals; and what energy you expend each day in your own lifestyle. I wore the monitor you can see in the picture for 4 days. I learned which workouts I do that give me the most bang for the buck and got to see how sedentary really means sedentary! I’ve got to get a treadmill desk in the coming months! As I sit here and write this I realize how little movement means little payoff. Yikes!

I’m so wowed by Metafitness that I’m going to start to offer it to my clients. And, I’m going to host a workshop on it in the coming weeks. Let me know if you are interested. I’ll keep you in the loop.

I’ll get there. I’m learning every step of the way. And, I feel good about it. Those numbers will catch on soon. I know they will.

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