Saturday, February 27, 2010

How Do You Judge Another's Pain?

How often do you find yourself saying, "I can't believe s/he is taking it so hard." We, as human beings, often judge the pain or trauma of others based on our own experiences, tolerances and expectations.

I read this article, from the New York Times, this week and it opened several conversations in our home on judgment, depression, ethics and compassion. I will warn you the article has some graphic descriptions and content of a crime scene. It is not meant for younger readers, in my opinion, or those who might otherwise be sensitive to such material.

The next time you find yourself judging another's pain or trauma, I encourage you to step back and reexamine your own reaction. Then, try to remind yourself that each of us react differently to different stimuli. We have unique experiences, skill sets, feelings and vulnerabilities. If you care for the person, you should try hard to NOT judge their pain or reaction, but work hard to support them in ways you may know how or ways you learn to. Also, encourage anyone who is having a particularly hard time coping with any situation to contact their EAP (employee assistance programs), a crisis center, or therapist for a consultation.

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