Sunday, January 24, 2010

Childhood Returns in a Welcomed Flash

Bear with me as I set the stage for this short story.

It was my husband’s turn to make dinner (yes, I am delighted I enjoy my life with someone who welcomes shared labor in the household) and I was working late. He was planning to make spaghetti squash but it didn’t turn out so well. So, he opted for old fashioned pasta spaghetti. I enjoyed it but felt something was missing. Was it a salad? I didn’t know. The meal just felt incomplete.

I had not had spaghetti in years. I couldn’t recall the last time. As I was reheating some for lunch the next day it dawned on me to grab the whole wheat bread too. I suddenly desired a piece of buttered bread with my warm spaghetti. It was like magic, I took the buttered bread and put some spaghetti on it and folded it over like a sandwich. Ah, yes, it all came back to me. This is how my mom and I used to eat spaghetti when I was a kid. Spaghetti wasn’t spaghetti without some buttered bread to wrap it up into!

Thanks Mom (who I know reads my blog religiously) for the fun food habit that came to me more than 20 years later. When it’s good…. It’s just good. 

Enjoy those moments when yesteryear floods you. Relish in the days gone by. I sure did. And, I’ll likely eat a little more spaghetti in the future too.

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