Monday, April 20, 2009

172.4 and feeling great

OK, last week the scale said 171.0. GREAT! This week 172.4. Well, there is a good reason for that- and I'll spare all of our male readers but you can guess what it is. We, women, have a few pound fluctuation each month during a particular week.

I had a killer shin splint on Friday from my fast-paced walking (for an hour) on Thursday. Funny, my body prefers to run vs. walk fast as measured by how I get shin splints from walking and not running! Weird but true. But, I worked through the pain- working out for a full 1 hour on Friday, Sunday and Monday. I took Saturday off. (I am allotted one day per week to not work out.) This morning I went back to running for a minute in between walking. My body has really adjusted nicely to that. I find that I can run for more minutes than before. GREAT!

The marathon is just a few weeks away. The wedding a few more than that. I feel wonderful. I know the numbers haven't budged much but my confidence and strength sure have! My trainers tell me not to worry about the weight as much because I'm really putting on great muscle in my legs from the workouts. And, my nutritionist is mostly happy with my eating plan. Yes, I can do better!

So, its off to another great week. I've got a few exciting events this week but plan to remain vigilant to my health plan (with Friday being my exception!).

If you are in Pittsburgh, and female, join me and my fitness team for a workshop on Thursday. See my website for details. RSVP today if you want to attend.

Health, happiness and prosperity to each of you. Keep up the good fight to gain your health back!

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