Monday, June 30, 2008

Look Your Absolute BEST Today.. and reap the benefits

Why do we always WAIT to be our best?

How many times have you heard someone say, "When I lose 10 lbs, I'm going to..." or "When I get that promotion and raise, I'm going to..."

I say, make today, make NOW, your best and enjoy it as though you are 10 lbs lighter or you have that promotion. Its amazing how when you act like you have it- you get it!

Let me give you an example I see all the time (and you will too if you just look out for it):

I'm in a cafe (swap out store of any kind, street in anywhere USA, you get the point) and I see a beautiful woman. She has on a gorgeous piece of jewelry or is dressed to kill (no matter the hour) and has a smile on her face. She takes great pride in what she looks like and treats herself well. Do you have an image? Describe her yourself.

Now, how much does she weigh? What is her title? It doesn't matter! The point is she's a knock out and she knows it. She took the body she had this morning upon waking up and dressed it up. She then added a splash of great attitude and an award-winning smile. She gets it! And, so do I.

I happen to be sporting 2 very unsightly blemishes as I type. I have plateaued in my weight loss (down 50+ pounds in 2 years) and need to lose at least 20 more. But, I don't care. Not today. Those "issues" don't make "me". On the plus side, I have an outstanding pedicure, an outfit that makes me shine .. and I still treat everyone like rock stars (even the man who parks my car). That makes "me".

I encourage you to treat yourself today to one piece of clothing, jewelry, a seminar, a book ... something that will make you feel like a million bucks. Wear it, read it, say it proudly and worry more about dressing up what you have than gaining or losing what you don't.

Look for someone gorgeous around you and compliment them. It comes back. It always does.

Enjoy today. Enjoy YOU.

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