Thursday, June 5, 2008

"I can't tie my shoes, but I have a great memory!"

I am rarely at a loss for words.

The other day I was giving a talk at a retirement home, on my book World War II Radio Heroes: Letters of Compassion (2008). There were two "Spahr's" there. Wow. I've not met any other Spahr's in the Pittsburgh area until then. But my surprise didn't end there.

The lady of the pair took my breath away after my talk, as a few of us were conversing. She was born premature, 2 lbs in fact; lives with cerebral palsy; lost all of her family members with one exception; and has been in a wheelchair all of her life. But her mind, is as sharp as a tack!

I commented on her memory at one point as she mentioned someone else's birthday (in a facility with more than 100 people!) and she said, "I can't tie my shoes, but I have a great memory!" And, on her cue we all laughed.

This woman is ON! She's GOT IT! She has greater spirit than most people I meet on a daily basis. She has not allowed any handicap to hinder her life or the quality of her life. I learned so much from her in a mere hour.

She is happily married and has found wonder and amazement in each moment in life. She takes nothing for granted.

Wow. What an amazing woman! If I can be half that in this lifetime I'll be satisfied!

Who have you learned a valuable lesson from lately?

Visit a retirement center near you today! Take the kids! You'll be amazed at what you learn.

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