Tuesday, December 7, 2010

New Year Resolutions: How to REALLY Accomplish Them

I often refer to "goals" rather than resolutions. Goals tend to have more structure and are worked on throughout the year, not just focused on at the beginning as many resolutions are. No matter what you call them, here's a few hints to making them stick.

Carefully consider the goal- how it is written (and yes, write it down). Make it succinct. This will allow you to be mindful of it often and tell others about it (for their support) in an easy way.

Digest and discuss why the goal is important to you.

Further, explore ways that have been unsuccessful in the past toward the achievement of this goal (to prevent going down the same exact path).

Make a plan for how you'll work on this goal each day. How will it be visible in your everyday habits?

Don't allow a mistake to ruin the goal. We all fall off the wagon, so to speak, so just get back on and remind yourself of the above points.

Get others to help and support you.

Join a group of others who have the same goal or who are also determined to make a goal of theirs come to life.

Don't be afraid to honestly revisit the goal, it's importance or it's presence in your daily life and edit is as necessary.

Harness the power that you do have to accomplish what you want to. Don't make excuses for yourself or others in why your goal didn't come to reality. Instead, make a declaration and plan that will see it through to completion and then celebrate.

Happy goal setting.

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