Friday, May 15, 2009

Gift Giving in Tough Times

Do you remember how we "changed" after 9/11? People reclaimed the family as a priority. We took time for reflection and contemplation of purpose. Well, something slightly similar is happening now with people reexamining how they spend money. Both times bring us back to a tough evaluation of what is really important to us.

I really struggled over whether the economy should effect my wedding site selection. Do I try to have a budget wedding (more than I would normally) to reflect my understanding of the economic downturn? Or, do I find other ways to accommodate the tightening of wallets, while still having my dream wedding. I chose the latter. I did that for more reasons than I can type here (just for time sake) but one was because the economy will correct itself over time, and I didn't want to have to look back at one of the most significant days of my life and say, "I had to do that because the economy...". I fully recognized that some of my guests may no longer be able to come based on my luxurious choice. We can celebrate with them in other ways. But, this is still the wedding I've looked forward to for many years- and I'm not going to let fear dictate how I remember it forever. And, besides, I'm the one encouraging you to stay away from the fear mongers, the nay sayers and the downers who will bring you nothing but depressive thoughts. I help people everyday find jobs, recreate a life they have always wanted, and stay on top of their games (whether that is personal or professional). So, what role model would I be to reject my dreams?

That was a long story to serve the title of this blog: gift giving in tough times. I encourage you to revisit what "gift" means. What are the greatest gifts you've received? Its likely more about the sentiment, the memory, the feeling, than it is about the "thing". So, rethink your next gift to someone you love. Make it memorable- and that doesn't always mean expensive. You may also want to ask them what they want. They may have revisited what is important to them, and give you a surprising answer.

All in good health.

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