Thursday, September 15, 2011

Coaching Moment #185 Step Out of the Zone… the Comfort Zone

Coaching Moments used to be exclusively for my coaching clients and Champions members. We've now opened them up to share them with you via this blog. Coaching Moments are shared each Friday and meant to encourage you on your path to greater enjoyment and/or success- whatever you happen to be reaching for. They remind us to think about our paths, our decisions and our priorities. Hopefully they make you think about something and refocus. Enjoy.

This Coaching Moment speaks to me now as I watch my daughter take her first steps.

#185 Step Out of the Zone… the Comfort Zone

We learn and grow when we step away from our norms. Take a class or read a book on a topic unknown to you. If you normally work on things independently, join a group for a team task. If you are wildly social, take a weekend retreat in solitude. Challenge yourself to do things differently at least once per week.

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