Monday, April 11, 2011

Coaching Tip of the Month: April 2011 Finding Your Today's Beauty

We all want to change some things (house projects underway, those 5 or 10 lbs to lose, more money in the paycheck...). Okay. But, don't let your current suffer for what may or may not come tomorrow. The key to success and happiness is doing the best with what you currently have (or don't have). Focus on what you are/have today and make the best of it.

Rather than wait until you lose the pounds, give yourself an in-home spa treatment (or go get one at your favorite spa); put on your best outfit (or go splurge on one); stand up straight (pretend you have a book on your head like the old movies threatened us with) and go out somewhere. Be your best self today. Show us what you've got.

Rather than wait for that extra cash in your paycheck, take a good look at what you currently have and devise a plan to spend a little in a new way. Treat yourself to a lunch or dinner deal (one that you wouldn't normally), give to your favorite charity (even if it's only a small donation), or finally put some money down on that bigger item you've been eyeing up. Start somewhere. Starting small is better than not starting.

Don't wait for change to be happy. Be happy while changing.

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