Friday, April 16, 2010

Time for You and Those You Love

*This pic was taken in Virginia City NV

I just came off of a 2-week vacation. Most people I know rarely take 2 week vacations anymore…. There is just so much to do at work, at home, etc…. How can they afford to disappear for 2 weeks? My question is how can you afford not to?

I came back refreshed, rejuvenated, and more relaxed.

Work lives went on without me- you aren’t as irreplaceable as you think- and few of us are emergency surgeons, and even if we are that is why they have others on call.

I actually got to enjoy day after day of doing what I want when I wanted and with whom I wanted to. It was joyous. Although, I must confess, I do feel that is how I live my non-vacation life at least 40%+ of it. But, this was extra-special.

When is the last time you took more than 5 days away from your job (and don’t count illness)? If it was more than 6 months ago I encourage you to plan your next break now. Make it at least 12 whole days. Go where you want. Hide away at home if you want: reading, cooking, doing a local retreat, whatever…. Just make sure it’s really your time and no one else’s.

Then, drop me a line and tell me how you felt afterwards. It’s ok if you tell me that it felt weird the first few days or that you felt compelled to be back at work- in today’s frenzied environments we’ve, sadly, created that trend. But, give it a few more days and allow your bodies and minds to sink into vacation mode. Then, simply enjoy.

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