Friday, December 11, 2009

Ethics Check!

Did you hear? Employees at a Walmart in Iowa found $10,000 in a tin can. The can sat on a counter for days before they opened it!  They called the police and turned the money in. My question to you is what would you have done if you found $10,000 in a tin can without any identification attached to it? What if you found it alone without anyone present? What if you found it with your best friend? What if it DID have identification - even just a name- in the can? What if it was $20 and not $10,000, would that make a difference?

Think about each of these answers. Ask questions I haven't posed here. Discuss this with your family. And, really flesh out why you'd do what you say you'd do. It could be an eye-opening exercise.

For the whole article on the cash visit

Happy Holidays.

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