Friday, June 19, 2009

Reversal of Attitude

My friend Tara can attest to this. In my late teens, I used to hate going over to someone’s house to “watch a movie”. That was in sharp contrast to years before when Becky and I would spend every Friday night at her place watching one- after going to the high school football game of course.

Why did I hate it so much? I figured I could watch one at home if I wanted to do that- why go elsewhere?! And, I suppose I opted for other alternatives. After all, now you have a car, a license, and the freedom to go anywhere you want. (“Those were the days!” Isn’t that what people say?)

Fast forward to today, 2009. Rob and I can be found “living up our Fridays” at home in a fierce game of Scrabble. In fact, twice this week I’ve been engaged in “scrabble-related” conversations with business colleagues. We’re considering a friendly game in the months ahead. And, a few weeks ago at my wedding, a group of people (unknown to one another until that weekend, by the way) gathered on their last night at the Greenbrier to play cards together.

Attitudes change. Mine has. We can spend hours discussing why and how, but I think the important point is that it’s okay. It’s okay to change your mind. It’s okay to all of a sudden like something you hated. It’s okay to want to do something differently. It’s more than okay, in fact, its highlighting that you are a free-thinker and not controlled by the past.

I still don’t love sitting down and watching television or movies. I get fidgety (mind and body). But, I enjoy doing it occasionally with people who love it- because of what it means to them. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll be yelling “movie time!”

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