Friday, June 26, 2009

An Icon Dead at 50? Lessons Learned the Hard Way

What can we learn from Michael Jackson's death?

Well, after grieving the loss of a pop start that defined most of my youth (and likely yours); I encourage you to look at your own life for threats of crisis.

I was in shock when my husband delivered the news to me. (I frequently review the New York Times (online version) each day and listen to NPR, mostly in the car. But, on this sad day I was listening to an audio book in my kitchen preparing dinner.) Within minutes I said to him, “A heart attack at 50! He seemed to be in good shape! I want you and I to take better care of ourselves. I couldn’t imagine losing you at 50.”

The very real possibility of a youthful death entered my mind. I thought about his kids. I thought about what if I would have children and then die young or have my husband do the same. It was eerie.

The autopsy hasn’t been released yet. We don’t know what caused his cardiac arrest. However, we do know what causes them to happen to anyone….. heart disease, stress, using certain drugs, cigarette smoking and exposure to extreme cold. (See linked site above as a reference.)

Are you at risk? If so, do something about it today. You owe it to yourself and your family.

No one should have to lose a loved one at the age of 50. It’s hard enough at 85. But, 50 simply feels like a terrible injustice, particularly to a man billions of people had once loved.

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