Monday, August 11, 2008

Purging is Sexy!

Whether its clothes, china, office supplies or data- inventory it, clean it up, and throw it out!

You'll feel lighter, more organized and productive moving forward.

How much stuff is in your home or office that you haven't touched in more than 2 years? Get rid of it! Think of it this way, would you pay to have those items stored at $40 a month? If not, get it out of there and into the hands of someone else who will use it or allow it to squat in their space- not yours!

When I assist people in reorganizing their spaces they often are amazed at what we find- they say, "that's where that went!" or "I forgot I had that!". Good. Keep forgetting. Its going in the bin.

Purge different spaces in your home often.

I purge clothing several times a year- if it hasn't been worn it gets a few more weeks of reprieve. If I still don't wear it- it goes in the bin (rubbish bin or donation bin).

I purge office materials twice per year.

Get the family involved. Ask each family member to donate 20% of their clothing or other goods by looking at what they don't use/wear. Its a nice way to be reminded of how much you have and how much you can assist others who have less. And, bonus- you reclaim your space!

Purging is sexy. Now get in there and just do it!

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