Friday, July 25, 2008

So, You’re Getting Divorced… now what?

One in two marriages fails. It’s common. It’s no pleasant. And, it’s not your fault.

I say it’s not your fault (although you soon-to-be-ex-spouse might say it is) because there are so many variables in a marriage. There are outside influences as well. These variables and influences are often overwhelming- and over time- people realize that the “matching factors” that were once in place are no longer.

So, your marriage in ending. I’m not here to save that. I leave that to the therapists- and to you and your spouse. What I am here to do is to move you forward into a new beginning. It’s really a rebirth of you- your life as a single person. It’s hard and you should have help. Your friends will help. Your family too. But, I’d encourage you to hire a coach- an independent, outsider, focused solely on you to help you build the life you want, step by step.

As a coach, I help people weekly (daily if necessary) map out what they need to be doing (sometimes doing it with them) and what/how they need to be thinking to get them to their bright tomorrow. And, trust me, tomorrow is bright.

You are not a failure. Your marriage failed. I’m sure you made mistakes- but we all do- in all facets of our lives. That doesn’t make us a failure.

Get ready for your next adventure.

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