Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What are your values?

What are your values?

What do you value?

How do your values play out in your business?

When I coach people on their long-term plans I talk with them about what is most important to them. What legacy do they want to leave? Why? And, how do they plan to do so?

Have you lost yourself in your work? Are you living each day with the values that are most important to you? If you are NOT, STOP. Re-evaluate the journey you are on.

I'm not here to judge how my clients choose to live their lives. I'm here to help them live better- as defined by them!

I love that. It keeps things interesting. And, one of my values is to keep things lively in my life.

Cheers. Live Well.

Lisa Spahr- your life coach for better living!

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