Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Health Insurance is for the Healthy and Risk Free Only

This weeks rant is about the hideous state of health care- for the working and specifically for the self-employed. Let's explore a common example- HPV and health care (or health care-less as it really should be called).

Lisa Speaks:
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus found in sexually active women. You may have recently heard about this as a result of the vaccine that has come on the market to protect young women from the virus (well, a number of strains of the virus). There are two types of the virus. One causes genital warts and the other is linked to a high risk of cervical cancer.

The CDC reports "approximately 20 million people are currently infected with HPV. At least 50 percent of sexually active men and women acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives. By age 50, at least 80 percent of women will have acquired genital HPV infection. About 6.2 million Americans get a new genital HPV infection each year."

So, given that so many people are and will be infected with HPV, how or why is it ethical and legal for health insurers to deny health insurance to people who have HPV (or other pre-existing conditions, however I'm focusing on this for now)? Many consumers are willing to pay for quality health care- yet the Doctors say the money isn't good enough for them to accept insurance and the insurers say the profits are too low to insure certain people (20 million with HPV). What?

HPV doesn't mean you'll get cancer or warts. Many infected don't know and continue to expose others. Yet, if it landed on your medical chart at some point, OR you were an honest consumer who disclosed it on your health care application- YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. Oh, they'll give you insurance, just a couple bucks toward a routine exam and a little more if you are reckless and in a car accident. But, honesty in your record and a desire to maintain good health- pay in cash and hope you don't get cancer one day. Or, stopy being self employed and go back to a big box company where you are likely to get better coverage. Thanks.

Your Coach Speaks:
1. Pay close attention to your health insurance coverage (what is included and what isn't)
2. Encourage your employer to always look for better coverage based on the needs of the employees
3. Look for wellness benefits outside of your health care coverage to keep yourself in great shape (even if you have to pay for some of it- you are, after all, worth it)
4. Speak with private health insurers/brokers if you have conditions that are hard to find coverage for (shop around until you've exhausted the options)
5. Get involved and outraged! Speak with your legislature and let them know this is unacceptable, unethical and immoral to the hard-working citizens of the state and country
6. Talk with parents of young girls/women (14-20's) to educate them about the HPV vaccine
7. Take sex seriously- always do it safely so that HPV doesn't have to be a part of your vocabulary


Anonymous said...

Have you found that individual health insurers actually consider HPV a pre-existing or unwritable condition?

Lisa Spahr- Helping People and Businesses Grow said...

Great question. I thought they considered it a pre-existing but perhaps its under "unwritable". I never thought to inquire about the difference or exact finding. But as I talk to more people they really don't know how limiting the dx is for those who have to acquire healthcare outside a large company. The insurers won't cover you for ANYTHING (even unrelated to cervical cancer or HPV) except emergency care and some preventative care if you have a dx of HPV. Its a tragedy for all women and their families.