Monday, September 13, 2010

Money Can Buy Happiness

I was in the library, about 2 years ago, when I saw the title, "Money Can Buy Happiness" by Dunleavey. I grabbed it in anticipation of what it would say. I'll let you read it for yourself to find out. I'll tell you this, I liked it.

That same title was on page 18 of my current issue of Forbes Magazine (yes, I know I've been talking up Forbes a lot lately, forgive me). Michael Norton tells us that money can make us happy.... IF we give it away. He discusses research that shows raises don't make a big dent in our lifestyle quality or satisfaction but giving away money does. So, no matter what you make, give some away. You'll life will be better for it. I believe him and I abide by the rule. If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, or following me on Facebook, you know that my charities of choice involve animal welfare. We give for birthdays, holidays and random days- just to show our support for the cause as well as feel good that we have the opportunity to give.

Check out the article for yourself. There are some interesting numbers in here.

Happy giving. Happy life.

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