Sunday, November 1, 2009

Celebrate Veterans Day the Whole Month Long!

Although I am really fired up about the gang rape at Richmond High School, and have a few strong opinions on the matter, I'll save that for my next blog entry. Today, I have happier news to share....

November is such a great month to celebrate our veterans, their families and the communities that support them. Thank you to all.

I was meeting with our book team last week and I could barely keep track of all of our articles, events, leads, etc... This is a wonderful problem to have. Therefore, I wanted to share some of our upcoming events and invite you to join us live, on the internet or in spirit. Nevertheless, I hope you join your local festivities in celebration of Veterans Day this month.
To name just a few:

November 3rd Three Veterans, Three Stories: Three Lives of Service at the John A. Brashear Lodge No. 743 6:30 PM

November 11th KDKA Pittsburgh Today Live - I'll be interviewed between 9 and 10 AM (watch or view later online at

November 11th Introduction to Veteran’s Entrepreneurship 9 AM-12:30 PM (I won't be there personally but think the world of the two veterans putting it on)

November 14th the oldest book shop in the country, the Moravian, in Bethlehem PA for a book signing and discussion 1-3 PM

December 5th the Heinz History Center Author Book Fair from 10 AM- 1 PM

I'm on Facebook and use it more and more as time goes on to keep in touch with everyone. I have a group for World War II Radio Heroes: Letters of Compassion (my book) and encourage everyone to post relevant discussions and post events to the site. I also have a page for our wildly successful Champions Series. Champions and friends will be welcome to post discussions and events there as well. This is particularly exciting for the Champions who don't live in Pittsburgh or find it challenging to make our events. Please friend me on Facebook and join our respective groups. We welcome you.

I also have a newsletter for those who want to follow our book events and activities and a separate newsletter, the Living Better Newsletter, for those who want to liver happier and strike greater balance in their lives. You can join both or one or the other by clicking on the link on the right under my picture with Lou.

Finally, we are also offering 10% off any purchases made on our website for the month of November to celebrate service.

Wishing you a wonderful November and December as we wind down 2009. I hope you have had a successful year and are enjoying all that life has to offer.

If you need more information about any of these events just email me.

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