Sunday, December 16, 2007

Year in Review- Celebrate or Hide Your Head!

As we plan for a grand New Year's Eve, we should take an evening to reflect back on 2007. What were your goals for the year? Did you achieve them? Did you surpass them? Or, do you have trouble remembering if you had any?

What did you accomplish this year? Did you enhance your social life? Get a promotion or education? How has your life been enhanced?

Once you toast your successes or try to ignore your failures, its time to prepare for 2008.

If this is new to you start off easy.

(1) Make a list of what you'd like to do next year. Include financial, personal and professional goals. Try to make them measurable and meaningful (I'll lose 10 lbs versus I'll lose weight).

(2) List them by goals you'll track monthly or near years end.

(3) Put this list on your fridge. Tell your friends. Look at the list each day. Every morning remind yourself of your goals- and think of small ways that you can move toward achieving them.

(4) Review your goals seriously every month. Ask for help when you need it. Find a coach if necessary. Don't beat yourself up if you fall off track. Just get back on!

(5) Reward yourself for success. When I quit smoking - after more than a decade- I saved my money that I would have spent on cigarettes and used it for massages. It was fabulous. As I come upon 10 years smoke-free I am planning a long weekend away. Never diminish the accomplishments in your life. Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate!

Now, go out there and make 2008 your year!

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