Thursday, January 14, 2010

Are You One of Them? 50%+ Dissatisfied with Job

A KDKA report (linked to this title) highlighted a finding that more than 50% of us are unhappy with our work. Wow. That is the greatest amount of dissatisfaction in the 22-year history of the ongoing report.

Reasons cited include:
  • Jobs are not interesting (my interpretation....Help! I'm bored!)
  • Wages are not keeping up with inflation ...(money doesn't go as far as it used to)
  • Health care is skyrocketing and taking more of my pay (see above)
The first reason really resonates with me. Not only has it been the reason I've hit the bricks in the past but its also the reason many of my career coaching clients are seeking new adventures.

Good employees (those you want!) want to be challenged. They want to be equally rewarded for their work too. (Imagine that!)  They look FOR responsibility not "assistant-forever" positions with lower than livable wages and hours that would make the Department of Labor cringe.

I have clients who are willing to make less and work in non-profit- where they can make a difference or feel as though they can.

I have clients who are seeking to contribute their 15+ years of corporate board knowledge to something greater than themselves.

Now is the time. The time to seek fulfilling work that actually fulfills you. To step out of your routine and try something new in the name of enrichment.... to your life.

I really hate to see a great employee who has lost any shine to their work and their relationship to their work. We see them all the time. Help them out by telling them about this survey. They are not alone. They are now the majority. There is hope out there... for those who dare to venture.


Matthew Tomsho said...


Not only is job dissatisfaction at an all time high, but another survey showed that more than 50% of employees do not feel they get to utilize their strengths in their jobs. Interesting correlation.

So many businesses have gone to considering nothing but their costs and their "productivity" they have forgotten who it is that can help them control their costs and enhance their productivity: their people. If only they would look for the effectiveness in their midst a lot of problems might get solved.


Lisa Spahr- Helping People and Businesses Grow said...

Excellent comment Matt. Employees are often the undervalued and forgotten assets of the company.