Sunday, June 7, 2009

Are you in Paradise?

I posed this question to my husband while we were on our honeymoon in Jamaica. “Would you rather be poor in a town/city you LOVED or be wealthier in a town/city you LIKED?”

The question first came to me when I was in Capri, Italy, in 1996. I was passing a little shack surrounded by grape vines as I rode what looked like a chair lift up the cliff. And I remember thinking to myself, “Yeah, I could totally live in that shack on this gorgeous island.”

How would you answer that question? Here are a few follow up questions: Are you living in a place you LOVE? Are you comfortable where you are living and that makes you enjoy the place all the more? If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

So many people say, “If I could live anywhere, it would be _____”. Just like they say, “If I could have been anything I would have been a _____, instead of what I am/what I do.”

Why live that way? Do you realize that people make a choice to live in their dream town/city every day?

Others work hard to make their town/city their dream place by living their best lives there. It’s kind of like, “if you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you are with”. I definitely advocate you find a way to be with the one you love, however, there are times I could agree to enjoy what you have for the moment.

Either way, take some time to dream about your ideal living space/s. Dare to ask why you can’t have them if you don’t have them already. Challenge yourself and your family to come up with a plan to move there within 5 years (1 year if you are an overachiever). Then, take a weekend or week long trip there to revisit why you love it so much. Who knows, maybe it’s changed to where you’ll fall in love with another location – or maybe it will serve as motivation to pack your permanent bags!

Happy traveling- and relocating.

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