This is one thing if you are in college and everyone is in a cram period where they're up at those hours. Its entirely another if you are a professional running or working in a business. Stop it.
Why are you sending emails at night anyhow? Are you always working? Do you expect that others should also always be working? Are you getting any sleep?
Please realize that people do take notice to when you send emails. The time is clearly displayed on the email. And, if the recipient has a device that delivers emails the same way it delivers a telephone call- they are receiving an audible or vibrating notice that you are sending the email at that outrageous hour. Its rude.
I've blogged about this before. My energy on the topic was renewed when I saw a similar article in Pink Magazine. No, its not just me that feels this way. Get a hold of yourself.
Here are some of my thoughts on late-night emails:
- People (including your clients) will worry for your health if you are sending these emails at odd hours.
- Your employees will feel as though you expect them to do the same and they'll resent you for it.
- The pressure to work all the time is "out" and life balance is "in". Help to promote it.
- If you can't sleep try reading or taking a warm bath- don't run to the computer.
People will not have a favorable impression of you if you are sending late-night emails. They have a name for these emails... and its not "professional".
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