Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Foodie Fundraising - Women's Initiative

I am blogging today instead of Friday as I'll be too full of Turkey to do anything (not really, it just sounded good).

I'd like to remain on my thankful thoughts this week by sharing with you an extraordinary new initiative that I'm honored to be a part of... Foodie Fundraising. Foodie Fundraising features my book World War II Radio Heroes: Letters of Compassion (2008).

Foodie Fundraising is a new site and project by Debra Dion Krischke. She is passionate about supporting women worldwide- as am I. She has created Foodie Fundraising to feature several gift items that can be purchased with the goal of giving some of the purchase price to women's initiatives worldwide.

I encourage you to visit Foodie Fundraising at and shop for the holidays. Also, pause for a moment to imagine the lives that so many women are living - often without the necessities and luxuries that we've become accustomed to. Imagine living one day without clean water. Imagine living without electricity. Or worse, imagine dreaming about a life free of violence toward you or your children.

What are you most thankful for?

Monday, November 24, 2008


"What on earth is 176.2," you ask? My weight.

I am doing something wild and brazen- as is often the case with me in case you don't know. I am planning to blog every third Monday about my battle with weight- which I intend to win (another thing about me you might not know- I hate to lose).

So, here is our starting point. I say "our" because I am often asked by people how I managed weight loss in the past. So many people, women and men, are on that journey to better health and self-esteem. I encourage you to join me. Comment on your own journey as we go or just check in and use me as your partner on the journey. I'm here to win. I'm also here to help you win.

First, a little history. I was always a fat little girl. My mom was always the slender gal she is today. People often commented on how we didn't appear to share the same genes even though our faces look the same. She put me on diet after diet during my pre-teen years. Nothing worked. Maybe it was the candy she'd give me as she found it hard to deny her only child the sweets other children were getting. (Ironically, I don't like desserts. I'm not a chocolate fan. And, sweets are far from my caloric problem areas.) I recall many a day crying at home on my bed after school because of people making fun of me at school. But, those days are far over. Let's move on.

At the age of 12 I lost 50 pounds in 3 months. I played tennis everyday, however badly. I ate junk (you can do that at 12) and took up other bad habits (which I won't mention here). I entered high school with high self-esteem (although I still felt fat at 130) and tons of positive attention (not sure that was what I needed, but it was the case nonetheless).

As I grew into my 20's the weight slowly came back. In college I was probably 180 or so- but I still felt great and didn't have any self-esteem issues.

It wasn't until 32 my weight became a crisis again. My new doctor alerted me that I had high blood pressure. What? Me? No! My weight was now at 213 (according to his scale) and 209 according to mine. :) I had a big problem, pardon the pun.

So, over the next two years I dropped 62 pounds. I was down to 151 and felt fabulous. Blood pressure was no longer an issue.

Since that time, the pounds have snuck back on. I dropped the ball. I started to eat badly, often. I ignored the gym pass I pay a fortune for. And, I was convinced my fiance was just washing our clothes in hot water. :)

Today's Renewed Determination. I have toyed with renewing my determination to loose weight for a few weeks now - probably more like a few months. But, the kick in the pants you need sometimes comes at odd times that do or do not correspond with your desires. It's here now.

My clothes don't fit the way I want them to. I am feeling bad about my body (which hasn't been the case since I was 12). And, I have a wedding in almost 6 months. So, here goes....

Goal: I will lose 30 pounds (146.2) in 6 months (May 24, 2008).

I will chart my progress on this blog.

I will achieve this goal by hitting the gym 5 days per week for at least 45 minutes per workout (not counting arriving, parking, changing, chatting....). I will make better food and beverage choices starting today: nothing fried, more fish, more veggies, more raw food, less sugar, less bread.....

Join me friends. Let's make this holiday season about our health and well being. Its not going to be easy but its going to be one of the most rewarding things we can do for ourselves.

Yours truly at 176.2

Friday, November 21, 2008

Creating Your Plan for 2009

Now is the time to lay out your life map for 2009. Here's an quick step version of how to do that.

  1. Spend some time in thought- what do you want to accomplish in 2009, why, and what are the small steps to get you there
  2. Write down your goals, rationales for those goals, and timelines for the small steps
  3. Tell everyone about your goals. Share your written plan with them so they can support you. Encourage them to have a plan and encourage each other.
  4. You must hold yourself accountable to the steps and timelines- or find someone who will hold you accountable (remember, this is your life- don't cheat yourself out of another year)
  5. Review your goals daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually (depending upon how they are written)
  6. Forgive yourself for minor missteps and get back on the plan immediately (we all eat a little chocolate while on a diet)
  7. Reward yourself for the milestones you achieve
  8. Repeat as necessary

My plan also includes data on my status; what did I accomplish this year; what attributes do I have that allow me to achieve my goals; what am I thankful for; what are my 5 year and life's goals; etc..... This is more like a report or guide versus a single piece of paper. I run my life rather than let life run me. This guide helps me do that.

Happy 2009!

Monday, November 17, 2008

When to Call it Quits

So often people continue down a path only because its familiar and comfortable. The path is often ineffective.

Are you on any paths that are not producing the results you need. Mind you, I didn't say the results you wanted. I said need.

Are you challenging yourself in life? Are you building your life (working on it, making it stronger and better) or just living it?

One example I run into frequently is in the therapeutic domain. So many people have gone to the same therapist for years- with minimal results. The most significant result is that they've built a relationship with their therapist that is comfortable. They know what to expect each time they go. They know how the conversation will go. I wholeheartedly believe in the relationship building and need for comfort in this relationship, however, I see it often prove ineffective if the goal is true therapy. The trouble rests in that most people can choose their therapist and they choose one that is easy- one that doesn't challenge them too much. One that agrees with them. It allows them to feel as though they are trying. "Hey, I go to therapy." But, is the therapy effective or is it just a routine? Very few people will continue to go down a difficult path if they can switch to one that is easier.

As a life coach, I often see people who say they want to make some changes but they really don't want to put the effort in. Or, they don't want to put forth the resources that is required to make the changes they want. Its just lip service. They are not ready. But, the only one they let down is themself. Don't be one of these peole. Take control of your life today. Take responsibility for the way that its turning out. Make tomorrow what you want of it. You don't have to do it alone but it may not always be a path of roses either. Grab the rope and hang on- let go when I tell you.

Keep in mind that you have ~85 years in this life to make it worthwhile. Some of those years are already spent. So, what do you plan to do with what is left? Challenge yourself- in all domains. Show us what you are made of.

Some ways to challenge yourself:
  • Take a trip by yourself for at least 5 days- ideally in another country
  • Take a weekend or week long workshop on something totally new to you
  • Discover a new hobby (one that you have dreamed of but thought was impossible for you)
  • Revisit what you do for a living and consider a significant change for the better
  • Go get the degree you've always wanted
  • Write your own memoir in 60 days

Friday, November 14, 2008

Gain Some Perspective

I'm going to share a story with you that unfolded just yesterday.

I had a business lunch on my calendar for a few weeks. My lunch date was a woman who I adore as both a friend and a master business leader in our area. I love the time we spend together. Its often filled with wild ideas- neither of us put limits on each other- and bright visions of the future and the work we can do together. We don't spend time ho humming about the economy or in the doom and gloom conversation I often hear others engaged in.

So, there I waited at our scheduled destination. I somehow knew I would remain by myself.

I tried to remember if I had confirmed. I thought I had but yet couldn't find the message on my blackberry.

I had recalled getting an email from her to the masses a few days earlier about her daughter- but she often sends them so I didn't rush to open it. It would have to wait, along with a few hundred others, that came in and were not a top priority (or so I thought).

I know something is wrong as 10 minutes have passed, pass the time we were scheduled to meet. She is not one to be late. I emailed her.

She emailed me promptly back from her iPhone and told me that she was in the hospital with her daughter- who had been there for 4 days and is expected to be there another 8 or 21 more.

We talked at some length. I offered to pull an overnight duty if she needed a break. It was the least that I could do.

I felt terrible. I was so caught up in every day business that I failed to take 30 seconds to open an email from a friend.

Life sometimes gets the best of us. It had got the best of me this week. I had 12 speaking engagements, client meetings and the usual business events to attend. And, I was wildly enthusiastic about my business brainstorming with a dear girlfriend. But business isn't the be-all-end-all in life. Life is more than that.

I think about my superstar business girlfriend overseeing her daughter in the hospital and am reminded that THAT is what life is about. Being there for those we love.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thank a Veteran Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Tuesday November 11, 2008, is Veteran's Day.

As most of you know Veterans are very close to my heart. I recently wrote a book that features my favorite veteran, my grandfather, Robert May Spahr. (

I hope that you'll take a minute to thank a Veteran (or dozens of them) and his or her family for their contributions to our country, health and well being. We owe them greatly.

Thank you for recognizing the need to be thankful. Its an attractive virtue.

Only the best to each of you.

Lisa Spahr

Friday, November 7, 2008

Reading to Guide You

Clients and friends often ask my advice on reading materials for various outcomes. Here are my general thoughts.

I highly encourage you to be a active member of any national or international groups in your profession. Pick only one and become a part of it. Make sure they deliver at least monthly news from the field (peer reviewed ideally)- what is working, what's not, and what is on the cutting edge. Remember that your education shouldn't stop at any point in your successful career. You should be at the height of up-to-date knowledge in your field, know the key players well, and contribute to the information sharing.

As a business person I subscribe to Inc., Fast Company, Entrepreneur, and Forbes Magazines. I subscribe to a few others but have to confess that they don't excite me very much. Forbes, is in fact on the lower side of enjoyment for me, but I love the Executive Women issues that come out seasonally.

Read for education, inspiration, enjoyment for the field and to break away from the normal day-to-day stuff. Your brain needs it. Your business needs it.

Oh, and for pleasure, I subscribe to Cooking Light and Real Simple. They just make my life better.

I encourage you to comment on your own reading lists (books, blogs, magazines, etc...).

Happy Reading!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Vote Because You Can!

I can't think of one person that should not be heading to the polls tomorrow, November 4th. Further, I cannot think of one person who should not be engaged in conversation about the election. It has been lively... and at times passionately negative. Some conflict is good for the soul. Its a great time to get your brain flowing with thought, creativity, and excitement.

I believe you have a responsibility to yourself and your community to vote. I believe that if you fail to cast your ballot you should not speak one word about the state of affairs- and your associated grumblings to go along with it. You have no voice with me if you don't show up at the polls.

I have changed my mind in this election. My decision-making process has been filled with challenges. However, I organized my priorities and then looked to each candidate (presidential and vice presidential, and local) to see who best mirrored what mattered to me most. The decision wasn't as clear as most others I make in my life. Some of my priorities rested with one candidate and others with another. But, I had to make peace with my choice - which considering overall character of each candidate.

I have daily conversations with my partner on our opposing views. It helps us understand each other and reaffirm what is most important to us. The fact we can have these issues on the table- even while sitting at opposite ends- makes me respect our relationship even more.

I look forward to making my voice heard tomorrow. I look forward to seeing you do the same.

Vote. Vote with confidence that you've done your homework and you've chosen the best choice for you and your community.