Monday, September 15, 2008

Have You Overstayed Your Welcome?

Have you reached a plateau in your career with your current employer?
Have you found the last year to be unstimulating and/or sterile?
Do the years look the same?

Many people find themselves in the comfort of the "same old same old". Only, it really isn't comfortable we just convince ourselves that it is. And, given that change can sometimes be difficult- we make excuses to stay where we are even though we are no longer challenged at work.

Our work, our employment, is a significant piece of our lives. It should be empowering, stimulating, positive, life-fulfilling, and rewarding. It is essential that you recognize the signs when this is no longer the case. When that happens you have to be prepared to make a move.

Some of the things you can do:
Speak with your supervisor to see if there is a special project you can take on.
Evaluate your own performance- maybe the lack of stimulation is with you.
Look at the company offerings. Is there something you want?
Survey the industry in which you work. What is out there that excites you?
Evaluate your desire to switch industries. Are you ready? Where do you see yourself?
Update your resume for those opportunities you may want.

Don't stay in a dead end job. Don't let talk of a bad economy hold you back. Stop allowing excuses to rule your years.

Your current job may have served its role in your life. Now, its time to find your next adventure. That adventure may be as simple as a new project at work. Or, it could mean a life-changing switch in your career.

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