Thursday, April 7, 2011

Coaching Moment #164 $1,000 Gift

Coaching Moments used to be exclusively for my coaching clients and Champions members. We've now opened them up to share them with you via this blog. Coaching Moments are shared each Friday and meant to encourage you on your path to greater enjoyment and/or success- whatever you happen to be reaching for. They remind us to think about our paths, our decisions and our priorities. Hopefully they make you think about something and refocus. Enjoy.

#164 $1,000 Gift

Imagine you had $1,000 given to you today. The gift stipulates that you can only spend the money on other people or charities. You cannot spend it on yourself or on things that directly benefit you. Where would you give your money? How would it be distributed among the people or causes that are important to you?

Now, when is the last time you spend time/money with those people or charities? Remember you don’t have to wait for a gift of $1,000 or to make a sizable donation to make a difference.

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