No one likes a bully. And, pushers have a bad reputation for a reason. So, why on earth would you force yoru product or service on someone?
For months I've been finding unsolicited newspapers from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in my lawn or on top of my hedges. I see them littering the lawns of my neighbors as well. I've even heard of it happening in other neighborhoods.
So, every couple days we wander out in the lawn (the front lawn, which we rarely use) to find and pick up unwanted newspapers. Then, we toss them in the recycling bin. What a waste! Literally and figuratively!
Let this be an example of how you can be a pusher and actually create a loathing relationship with a potential client. Don't do it.
As an aside, I expect it will take a new law to get them to stop. I've browsed their website looking for a phone number to call to complain or comment box.... nope, not one to be found. Sure, I can just call their main number.... how helpful do you think they'll be? Maybe I'll take bets on this one. :)