Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Year is Almost Half Over: Where Are You?

It's nearly Memorial Day. Summer is almost upon us. Where has your year gone?

Have you been on track with the accomplishments you laid out? Did you even identify things you wanted to accomplish? (I sincerely hope so, especially if you are reading my blog.)

What are you currently working on?

Do you feel confident about the second half of the year? If so, GREAT. If not, WHY NOT?

Some of us live to be in our 90's. Some older. Others are robbed of life very early, in their 20's and 30's. You have no idea where you fall, nor do I. Why not make every year count for something? Make every year the most memorable- the one you want people to remember you for.

Never take for granted that you have another year to do the things you've been putting off. You may have that year. Some do. Some don't. Why let everyone else's demands run you wild year after year? That's certainly not memorable, nor enjoyable.

If you haven't yet.... start living YOUR life today. Declare it your own and lay out a map of what you want it to feel like, include, and exclude.

Happy living.

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