Sunday, November 29, 2009

Save Yourself.

How many times do you ask yourself if this is worth your time? I hope often. I can’t tell you how many times each day I see people doing things that are not only wasting their time but detrimenting others too.

How many times did you drive 10+ miles to do a cost comparison on something you wanted to buy? I hope not in the last 5 years given the capabilities of the internet. Another example, we’ve all known that person who drives to another state or jurisdiction to save on taxes for a medium to large purchase. Did they add in their gas and time in the savings equation? Likely not. Final example, spending 40 employee hours on a proposal that will award you the same or less IF you win. Stop the madness.

How much is your time worth to you? Do you have an hourly figure? You should.

The same way our boss looks at cost estimates based on how much time they’ll require of you and how much s/he will gain or lose…. We should be doing the same with our own time. Ask yourself, “Is this a win or am I losing?” If losing how can you turn it into a win? Be creative and you’ll find a good solution.

Let’s look at the genius of the carpool. A band of people, women my guess, figured out that it was more productive for their time and money (gas) to establish a car pool for their kids school and extracurricular activities than for each of them to be the shuttle for their own small family. This is an example of a win for everyone.

Everyone complains about time- never having enough of it. I believe we all have enough we just don’t use it wisely. Be more like a carpool or a boss evaluating a job’s feasibility …for your life….. Stop wasting time and start enjoying it more. You really can you know.

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