Friday, July 27, 2012

Coaching Moment #210 Check Your Bank Account

#210 Check Your Bank Account

Before you do that, tell me what is important to you. What are your priorities? What really matters? Now, go into your bank account. Check the top 20 line items. What do they say is important to you? Do they line up with what you first said? If you said traveling is important to you but yet your money is all being eaten away in take-out…. How do you justify that? Get in alignment and get right with your priorities. Or, just get honest.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Coaching Moment #209 Passion

#209 Passion

Take 60 seconds and define what passion means to you. If you struggle, think of someone who has great passion for something. What does it look like to you as an observer? Now, take 60 seconds more to identify your experiences with passion in the last month.  If none, make it a priority to find it like you would buried treasure.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Coaching Moment #208 What is the Coolest Thing You’ve Ever Done?

#208 What is the Coolest Thing You’ve Ever Done?

In all of your life, what is that one thing that you did that was the coolest? “Cool” is defined by you. Why was it the coolest? Talk with three others to see what their one thing is. The variety in answers may surprise you.