Thursday, December 15, 2011

Coaching Moment #197 The Winner: Kindness

#197 The Winner: Kindness

The world will respond to you as you do it. Shower others, and yourself, with kindness and a new world will unfold right in front of your eyes. Smile more. Thank often. And, go out of your way to help another. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

Coaching Moment #196 Caring for Yourself First

Coaching Moments used to be exclusively for my coaching clients and Champions members. We've now opened them up to share them with you via this blog. Coaching Moments are shared each Friday and meant to encourage you on your path to greater enjoyment and/or success- whatever you happen to be reaching for. They remind us to think about our paths, our decisions and our priorities. Hopefully they make you think about something and refocus. Enjoy.

#196 Caring for Yourself First

You are the model of what you can do for others. Read that again. If you are to care for me or someone in my family, I want to know that you know how to care for yourself first. If you care for others, give them the gift of the best you. If you sell “caring for others” know that your own care will be scrutinized.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Coaching Moment #195 Performance Review

Coaching Moments used to be exclusively for my coaching clients and Champions members. We've now opened them up to share them with you via this blog. Coaching Moments are shared each Friday and meant to encourage you on your path to greater enjoyment and/or success- whatever you happen to be reaching for. They remind us to think about our paths, our decisions and our priorities. Hopefully they make you think about something and refocus. Enjoy.

#195 Performance Review

Its time to take 15-20 minutes, over the next two days, to review your goal progress for the year. What have you accomplished? What do you still want to accomplish by years-end? Its time to sprint to the finish line and then gear up for the next race.