Thursday, July 28, 2011

Coaching Moment #179 Freedom or Independence… Pick One

Coaching Moments used to be exclusively for my coaching clients and Champions members. We've now opened them up to share them with you via this blog. Coaching Moments are shared each Friday and meant to encourage you on your path to greater enjoyment and/or success- whatever you happen to be reaching for. They remind us to think about our paths, our decisions and our priorities. Hopefully they make you think about something and refocus. Enjoy.

#179 Freedom or Independence… Pick One

Today pick either Freedom or Independence and think about what it means to you. What 3 freedoms do you most appreciate in your life? Or, what does Independence mean for you- and how do you live independently each day? Tomorrow, choose the other one to ponder. Remember that life is full of personal choices; the key is to exercise them.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Coaching Moment #178 Cut Your Spending by 30%

Coaching Moments used to be exclusively for my coaching clients and Champions members. We've now opened them up to share them with you via this blog. Coaching Moments are shared each Friday and meant to encourage you on your path to greater enjoyment and/or success- whatever you happen to be reaching for. They remind us to think about our paths, our decisions and our priorities. Hopefully they make you think about something and refocus. Enjoy.

#178 Cut Your Spending by 30%

Keep a daily money log of all money being spent (that includes your morning or afternoon coffee). At the end of the month review expenses. Cut or downgrade some of the costs. Shop around for better prices for other line items. Whether you need to watch your spending or not, this will be a good exercise in analysis and self-control. You’ll thank me for it.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Coaching Moment #177 Get Your House in Order

Coaching Moments used to be exclusively for my coaching clients and Champions members. We've now opened them up to share them with you via this blog. Coaching Moments are shared each Friday and meant to encourage you on your path to greater enjoyment and/or success- whatever you happen to be reaching for. They remind us to think about our paths, our decisions and our priorities. Hopefully they make you think about something and refocus. Enjoy.

#177 Get Your House in Order

Procrastination gets you nowhere. Stop putting off that basement organization project, getting your will updated, and meeting with your financial planner (as well as anything else you’ve been neglecting). “Tomorrow” is not always the right answer.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Coaching Moment #176 Build Your Brain

Coaching Moments used to be exclusively for my coaching clients and Champions members. We've now opened them up to share them with you via this blog. Coaching Moments are shared each Friday and meant to encourage you on your path to greater enjoyment and/or success- whatever you happen to be reaching for. They remind us to think about our paths, our decisions and our priorities. Hopefully they make you think about something and refocus. Enjoy.

#176 Build Your Brain

Memory loss doesn’t have to be a part of the natural aging process. You can build your brain, and reduce the risk of cognitive decline, by learning something new, socializing with people different than yourself and engaging in games and puzzles that require strategy and complex decision making. Don’t leave your brain to the odds. Be proactive… starting today.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Coaching Moment #175 Do, Delegate or Drop

Coaching Moments used to be exclusively for my coaching clients and Champions members. We've now opened them up to share them with you via this blog. Coaching Moments are shared each Friday and meant to encourage you on your path to greater enjoyment and/or success- whatever you happen to be reaching for. They remind us to think about our paths, our decisions and our priorities. Hopefully they make you think about something and refocus. Enjoy.

#175 Do, Delegate or Drop

To Do Lists are easy to make but more challenging to manage and complete. I suggest each item on your list be treated as follows: DO- (1) it NOW or (2) put it in your calendar for a specific time and date to be done; DELEGATE it to someone else; or DROP it- many things we think we have to do go unnoticed and are unnecessary.